
Northwestern University Sports Medicine and Brainvolts
Supported by the National Institutes of Health

Auditory Processing: The ‘canary in the coal mine’ for subconcussive head injury
Northwestern Now – 2023

How Sound and Music Can Heal (featuring Renèe Fleming)
Athletes and the Arts – March 23, 2022

The Quiet Brain of the Athlete
The New York Times – December 18, 2019

A hearing test may be able to identify a concussion
The Washington Post – December 22, 2016

CommFest seminar:
What sound processing in the brain can reveal about sports concussion.
North by Northwestern – April 22, 2018


Abstracts and Conference Proceedings

  • White-Schwoch T, Krizman J, McCracken K, Burgess JK, Thompson EC, Nicol T, Kraus N & LaBella CR. Neurosensory outcomes in a youth tackle football league: A two-year longitudinal study. Big 10-Ivy League TBI Summit, Rosemont, IL.
  • Krizman J, Lindley T, White-Schwoch T, Thompson EC, Nicol T, Mjaanes J, Kraus N. Baseline and in-season comparisons of ImPACT, SCAT and auditory function on collegiate football athletes. American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, Orlando, FL.
  • White-Schwoch T, Krizman J, McCracken K, Burgess JK, Thompson EC, Nicol T, Kraus N, LaBella CR. Effects of playing one season of tackle football on measures of auditory, vestibular, and visual functions in youth football players. American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, Orlando, FL.
  • Krizman J, Lindley T, LaBella C, Colegrove D, Thompson EC, Otto-Meyer S, Nicol T, White-Schwoch T, Kraus N. Acute and long-term auditory pathophysiology following mTBI. 2017 Military Health System Research Symposium. Kissimmee, FL.
  • Thompson E, Kraus N, Krizman J, White-Schwoch T, LaBella C. Difficulty hearing in noise: a sequela of concussion in children. Council on Sports Medicine & Fitness, American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition. Chicago, IL
  • Kraus N, Lindley T, Thompson EC, Krizman J, Cook K, White-Schwoch T, Colegrove D, LaBella CR. Making sense of sound: A biological marker for concussion. American College of Rehabilitation Research Medicine Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Podcasts and Interviews

Nina Kraus: Of Sound Mind The Voice of the Good Athlete, The Good Athlete Podcast, September 17, 2023.