Brainvolts and Dartmouth University
Space Medicine Innovations Lab
- Bonacina S, Niemczak C, Lichtenstein J, Magohe A, Fellows A, Nicol T, Massawe ER, Buckey JC, Kraus N (2023) Pre-literacy assessment in children living with HIV in Tanzania: comparison to results from children living without HIV in Tanzania and the US. AIDS. 37: 1077-1083
- Niemczak C, Fellows A, Lichtenstein J, White-Schwoch T, Magohe A, Gui J, Wilbur J, Clavier O, Massawe E, Moshi N, Boivin M, Kraus N, Buckey JC (2021) Central auditory tests track cognitive function in those with HIV: Longitudinal cohort study. JMIR Formative Research. 5:e26406
- Niemczak C, White-Schwoch T, Fellows A, Magohe A, Gui J, Rieke C, Nicol T, Massawe ER, Moshi N, Kraus N, Buckey JC (2022) Peripheral auditory function in young HIV-positive adults with clinically normal hearing. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 167(1): 155-162
- Niemczak C, Ealer C, Fellows A, Magohe A, Gui J, Rieke C, Nicol T, Massawe ER, Kraus N, Buckey JC (2023) Peripheral auditory function in Tanzanian children living with HIV with clinically normal hearing. JAMA Network Open. 6(3): e233061
- Kraus N, White-Schwoch T (2020) How HIV disrupts the hearing brain. Hearing Journal. 73(10): 44