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Understanding Effects of Noise
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Our life in sound and hearing health
National Science Foundation
How Musical Training Affects Older Adults’ Speech Perception in a Noisy Environment
- Skoe, E & Kraus, N (2024) Neural Delays in Processing Speech in Background Noise Minimized After Short-Term Auditory Training. Biology. 13(7):509.
- White-Schwoch T, Woodruff Carr K, Thompson EC, Anderson S, Nicol T, Bradlow AR, Zecker SG, Kraus N (2015) Auditory processing in noise: a preschool biomarker for literacy. PLoS Biology. 13(7): e1002196.
- Thompson EC, Krizman J, White-Schwoch T, Nicol T, Estabrook R, Kraus N (2019) Neurophysiological, linguistic, and cognitive predictors of children’s ability to perceive speech in noise. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 39: 100672
- White-Schwoch T, Anderson S, Krizman J, Bonacina S, Nicol T, Bradlow AR, Kraus N (2022) Multiple cases of auditory neuropathy illuminate the importance of subcortical neural synchrony for speech-in-noise recognition and the frequency-following response. Ear and Hearing. 43(2): 605-619
- Abrams D, Nicol T, Zecker S, Kraus N (2008) Right-hemisphere auditory cortex is dominant for coding syllable patterns in speech. Journal of Neuroscience. 28(15): 3958-3965.
- Anderson S, Chandrasekaran B, Yi H, Kraus N (2010) Cortical-evoked potentials reflect speech-in-noise perception in children. European Journal of Neuroscience. 32:1407-1413.
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- Strait DL, Kraus N (2011) Can you hear me now? Musical training shapes functional brain networks for selective auditory attention and hearing speech in noise. Frontiers in Psychology. 2(113).
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- Strait DL, Parbery-Clark A, Hittner E, Kraus N (2012) Musical training during early childhood enhances the neural encoding of speech in noise. Brain and Language. 123: 191–201.
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Only Human, WNYC, December 1, 2015
Your brain on sound
Spotlight on Auditory Neuropathy
Auditory Neuropathy
Download our Auditory Neuropathy Briefing
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